1. Age limit: No limit.
2. The article should not be more than 4000 words excluding references. Click here to download the article template document. You should write your article in this template. Your article should have authentic references as well. No article will be accepted without references.
3. The article should be original and not copied from the internet.
4. Entries are accepted from registered users only. To easy register click here. Register with the default option “For posting job” selected.
5. Send your completed article through email to competition@deedsforpeace.com and competitiond4p@gmail.com.
6. Only one article per user is accepted.
7. Reference count* will be one of the winning criteria.
8. The 1st best article will win a brand new Smart Watch.
As a 1st prize winner you will gain an opportunity to write three articles of your choice for www.deedsforpeace.com. All the three articles will be published on www.deedsforpeace.com platform at the discretion of www.deedsforpeace.com administration team.
9. The 2nd best article will win a brand new Android Tablet.
10. The 3rd best article will win a brand new All-In-One Printer.
11. The best articles and the winners will be chosen at the discretion of www.deedsforpeace.com administration team.
12. All the submitted articles will be property of deedsforpeace.com and can be utilized at the discretion of www.deedsforpeace.com administration team.
Deadline to submit the article is 30th September 2015.
Note: *Reference count is the count of your references made for this contest. Request your referred friend/relative to mention your email address on his/her article as “Referred by: your email address”. Your email address is the one using which you have registered yourself on deedsforpeace.com.
For more information please contact us through Contact Us page.